Monday, February 24, 2025

Fred Dimbleby

Fred, a second-year Historian at Keble, was the paper's editor for Trinity Term 2018 alongside Matt Roller. He started out as Cherwell's comment editor last Hilary.

Oxford SU “angered and dismayed” by vice-chancellor homophobia comments

Richardson, who earns £350,000 a year, said that it wasn't her job to make students "feel comfortable"

New College bursar slams Louise Richardson’s “grossly excessive” pay

The New bursar said it was "hard to see value for money" in the Oxford Vice Chancellor's £350,000 salary

Saïd Business School head becomes private secretary to Kate Middleton

Catherine Quinn will leave the Saïd in October to take the position, which reportedly comes with a six-figure salary

Denis Healey’s archives to be stored in the Bodleian

Wilson-era notes and letters accepted in lieu of £75,670 of inheritance tax

Oxford English Dictionary adds ‘woke’ to its list of new words

'Woke', 'Post-Truth' and 'Zyzzyva' among the new words added to the Oxford English Dictionary

Oxford business graduates are UK’s highest earners, report reveals

Historians, philosophers, and engineers earn less according to new government report

OUSU to fight university over “ridiculous” scholars gowns

OUSU will consult students on changes to “academically hierarchical” exam dress codes

The untold story of an austerity town

Fred Dimbleby discusses the impact of local government cuts on his pretty hometown of Eastbourne

Profile: Michael Gove

Fred Dimbleby talks to Michael Gove about Twitter 'snowflakes', Brexit and why Trump should be given a chance

So, what will actually happen at Donald Trump’s inauguration?

Fred Dimbleby looks ahead to the traditional inauguration of the 45th President of the United States of America

Prepare for more political despair in 2017

Although liberals may celebrate the end of 2016, Fred Dimbleby argues that we should prepare for another year of political despair and discord

Politics has changed, now the left need to adapt in order to keep up

The left needs to up their communication to credibly fight the right

Trump: the future of American politics

Fred Dimbleby considers Trump's shock victory and its likely effects on the next four years

Hillary Clinton’s struggles start now

After her win, Hillary Clinton must unite America in a divided world

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