Monday, February 24, 2025

Violeta Perea Rubio

Oxford delays publication of access reports because of current “world events”

The University of Oxford have delayed the publication of their yearly admissions and diversity data, due to be published today, in light of current “world events”. The HuffPost...

Hertford President advocates a National Youth Corps

In an open letter published by The Guardian, Herford College President Will Huttton has called for the establishment of a National Youth Corps to guarantee job opportunities...

University intends to open in October, Vice-Chancellor states

An update from the Vice-Chancellor on Wednesday 6th of May announces that the University does intend to open in October, but raises the possibility...

Oxford releases Safety Net Policy for remote assessments

The University of Oxford has released its examination ‘Safety Net Policy’ this morning. This policy has been made for subjects where remote assessments are...

Oxford SU Assessment Consultation results show little agreement between students

The Oxford Student Union has released the results of the Teaching and Assessment Student Consultation (TASC) which received a total of 5462 submissions. This...

Coronavirus vaccine may be ready by autumn, Oxford professor states

Sarah Gilbert, the Oxford Professor leading the research team working towards a vaccine against the coronavirus at Oxford's Jenner Institute, has stated that a...

St John’s cancels ball without guaranteed refunds

St John’s College has announced it will be cancelling its Commemoration Ball due to take place on the 26th of June 2020 in light of the...

JCR Presidents criticize Oxford’s response to Amber Rudd ‘no-platforming’

The Committee of Oxford College JCR Presidents (PresCom) has published an Open Letter expressing their “disappointment and deep concerns" with the University of Oxford's...

Oxford finalists ask for a say on exam re-arrangements in Covid-19 outbreak

Finalists at Oxford have been compiling an Open Letter directed to Professor Martin Williams, the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Education at Oxford University, concerning their final...

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