And on the seventh day, we found HER temple, feasted
on HER sight. Enthroned. Flanked by mammoths on both
sides. There, there! Berry-ringed fingers on berry-strung
vines: vision clipped with paralysed sparrow...
"And I sat with my back to the skies
as I mouthed out a prayer to the winds
and imagined them ghosts; for where I sat, half-anaesthetised,
four children had used to sit"
People often say that progress,
is not always linear.
and p r o g r e s s,
sometimes doesn't always look like 2,000 words* (including citations) on a Microsoft Word document"
"Raised in the endless, relentless summer of tropical living, snapshots of summer swamp my memories of childhood – beachside days, aching sunburns, blond locks tainted unflatteringly green by chlorinated pools."