Booking needs binning

A leftover COVID system is stymying the freedom and spontaneity students need. Colleges should give it up and let us choose. In 2020, as the...

Unmask the shady investors

The University of Oxford’s new science and innovation district, set to open next calendar year, is a joint venture between the University and Legal...

Crops, Commoning and Colonialism: Lessons from the Oxford Real Farming Conference

For anyone strolling around Oxford over the 4th to 5th of January, make no mistake: the abundance of tweed-clad range-roverists had nothing to do...

World Cup Madness

FIFA recently announced the winners of the 2030 World Cup Bid, Morocco, Spain, Portugal..and Uruguay, Paraguay and Argentina. In a shock move, FIFA has set the tournament to be played in three continents, with six teams qualifying automatically.

St John’s College exhibits Pollution Pods designed to raise environmental awareness

A Pollution Pods exhibit was recently erected at St John’s College as a collaborative art project between the college, the Oxford Cultural Programme, and...

St Hugh’s and Oriel score 0 on latest sustainability ranking

The Climate League of Oxford and Cambridge (CLOC) has just released its 2023 ranking of Oxford colleges. St Hugh’s and Oriel are the worst...

Tips for being sustainable when travelling

"Travelling can leave huge footprints on the environment, so if we visit a destination abroad, we should do our bit to reduce this impact"

Two Oxford professors on advisory board of UK’s biggest carbon emitter

Two Oxford University professors are members of the advisory board of a company which operates a power station which has been described as the largest source of greenhouse emissions in the UK.

Constructing sustainable futures

Green architecture, or green design, is the approach to building that minimizes the harmful effects of construction projects on human health and the environment. The “green” architect or designer attempts to integrate nature by choosing eco-friendly building materials and construction practices - this is key in the decarbonisation of society and promotion of sustainability as we mitigate climate change.

Ethical fashion: Woven by women from the Earth to our bodies

'Women are born with the opportunity to make everything possible. It’s part of our DNA, if we can deliver children in this world, we can do anything. Women are the best managers, we manage the home, pregnancy, periods, family.'

A “quiet revolution:” report outlines ongoing sustainability efforts across the University

"Oxford colleges set their own environmental targets as they are a “semi-independent entity” from the central University."

Is the drinks industry chugging sustainability initiatives?

In February 2020, the drinks industry scored a poor 4.8 out of 10 for sustainability in the inaugural Drinks Industry Sustainability Index Trends Report...

Hertford College commits to net-zero carbon emissions by 2030

Hertford College has announced that they will be setting a new aim to reach net-zero emissions and net biodiversity gain by 2030 as “a...

Meet the Linacre student that invented new vegan leather

"With the ever-increasing rise of awareness of pollution, global warming, and the use of plastic the search for alternative materials becomes more urgent, Gabriel Moreno and his father Alex started Fiquetex with the aim of providing a reliable source of alternative greener materials made from the Fique plant."

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